Monday, August 13, 2012

The Many Benefits of a Merchant Loan

Most businesses have been faced with the issue of a cash crunch. Though often it happens to businesses that are new, it is often seen as happening to several established organizations as well. An earlier avenue of funding used to business loans from banks. Today, however with a tough economic scenario, most financial institutions make it extremely difficult for a business to get a loan.

That is where merchant loans have come into being. These are quick loans that can be availed of online and have a low qualification level. More importantly, unlike banks they do not have any restrictions on the way you can use the money. When you borrow from a bank, you are specifically asked whether you need the money for refurbishing your office, for inventory, for salaries or for any other purpose. How much of the loan amount is sanctioned depends on what it will be used for and your credit history as well. Banks look into not only the credit history of your establishment but your personal credit score as well.

With a merchant loan, all you need to qualify is to be in business for a short while, with three months being the minimum. You also need to accept credit cards as a means of payment. If you have an assured sum of around $5000 coming in each month, the lender will be rest assured that you can pay your instalments. With a merchant loan this is based on a percentage of business that you bring in each month. Should you have had a bad month, then you can hold off making a payment.

The good thing about merchant loans is that they are payable over a period of a year. Should you not be able to make a payment in one month, you could also do so in the next. Since you do not put up collateral, you are not going to lose anything should you default. Though if you do, you will find it difficult to get another loan. What you can do instead is talk to your lender before the lapse of your payment and ask for an extension. This often works to your advantage. It also will not reflect on your credit score and you may soon be eligible for more loans.

Finding the right kind of lender can easily be done via testimonials online or from people you already know. Once you get the paperwork done, you should have your money in a short while.

Since 2005, Merchant Cash and Capital, LLC has been one of the nation's small business cash advance funding leaders. MCC has helped business owners who need funding and can't wait for a business loan. Business Loans Bad Credit options with uses of merchant cash advance made simple.

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